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Get back in shape thanks to passionate and specialized physical therapy, that's what Kine in Form stands for! With a wide range of specializations, strong teamwork, a lot of experience, an extensive infrastructure and great enthusiasm, requests for help are expertly examined and treated in detail.

Nieuwe patiënt of nieuwe klacht? Boek een intake!

Al in behandeling voor je huidige klacht? Boek hieronder je gepaste afspraak!

Een vervolgbehandeling kan bestaan uit advies, behandelingen op de behandeltafel, kleine oefeningen in de behandelruimte of oefeningen in de oefenzaal.

Tijdens een behandeling in behandelruimte is de oefenruimte niet beschikbaar. Dan kan een behandeling op de behandeltafel plaats vinden alsook kleine oefeningen in de behandelruimte.

Tijdens een oefensessie is enkel de oefenruimte beschikbaar en kunnen geen behandelingen op de behandeltafel plaats vinden.

Sporttest nodig? Strak plan!

Nood aan een huisbezoek of videoconsultatie? Bel of mail ons: 0478407122 en

our mission

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to inform

We gather information through an extensive interview, thorough research and consultation with you as a patient. We also question or inform the doctors and care providers involved. Because together we know more. In addition, disseminating information is also crucial, because understanding what is going on with you and what needs to be done is enormously important for the success of the recovery process.

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patient in form

Being in form has a different meaning and content for everyone. Your request for help is extensively examined and addressed. Feeling good, finding the right energy, balancing yourself, achieving your ambitions. That is the ultimate goal!

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therapist in form

Only when a therapist is comfortable and able thrive, a patient can receive the best care. We make sure we are on edge, up to date with the latest developments and techniques. Consultation, continuing education and reflection is at the heart to us.

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